Chinese New Year
I have always loved reading about the Chinese New Year and seeing pictures of the worldwide celebrations that go with it.
I have a strong interest in astrology and am fascinated by the 12 year cycle of animals that relate to the Chinese zodiac.
Chinese New Year is not celebrated on the same day each year. However this year it begins on February the 16th and ends on March 2nd 2018.
This year is the year of the Dog (狗) and all of the Chinese Zodiac starsigns are affected by this. As a Rat (鼠), I am hoping this year is full of prosperity, creativity and happiness. For more information take a look at the official Chinese New Year 2018 website.

When I was younger I loved making Chinese lanterns out of paper.
Today in celebration of all things Chinese I'm pleased to unveil my latest original Dragon artwork.
Created using original Chinese inks and finished with a beautiful Morvenna stamped signature, brought all the way back to Edinburgh from Hong Kong by my wonderful sister last year - I am very pleased with this!
Xin nian kuai le! 新年快乐!