Mabon - The Autumnal Equinox

Today mark's the day when the earth is at an equilibrium.
In current circumstances you'd be forgiven to think that wasn't the case. However the Autumn Equinox in fact marks the day when day and night are equal in length.
Many of us feel a slight sadness when this happens but at the same time I love the fact that we are going into my favourite time of year - Autumn - and there is so much to celebrate.
In ancient Ireland, before the arrival of the Celts, prehistoric worshippers erected stone cairns containing chambers that that only let light in on the equinoxes.
Traditionally, this is a time when crops are all harvested and we can begin to quiet our spirits as the season shifts once again.
The cycle of the natural world is moving towards the end of it's natural state, the Sun's power is waning and with the nights growing longer we can enjoy the cosy comfort of our warm hearths.
You might know that I love gardening and as much as it is always a huge task for my dad and I clearing up all the leaves in their garden - I love to see the colours changing - from flaming reds, oranges and golds.

Celebrate with a feast for friends and family using as much fruit & vegetables locally grown, as you can.
The Cornucopia, or Horn of Plenty, is a traditional symbol for Mabon. Mabon is the Child of Light in Welsh mythology and the son of the Earth Mother Goddess, Modron. The cornucopia is a wonderful symbol for the wealth of harvest and is beautifuly balanced symbol which is both male and female.
It is time to complete projects, to clear out and let go of that which is no longer wanted or needed as we prepare for Winter. Autumn and Winter can offer a time for reflection and peace. It is time to plant seeds of new ideas and hopes which will come alive in the Spring.
